Media Luna Miches (Half-Moon) Natural Pool Half – dnevna vstopnica in potapljanje

Izvirna cena je bila: $60.00.Trenutna cena je: $43.50.

Media Luna Miches (Half-Moon) Natural Pool Half-Day Pass and Snorkeling. Visiting Samana bay from Miches with Locals and Swimming in the middle of Samana bay. Small Coral reefs areas to explore and Snorkeling. Media Luna is a New Attraction in the Dominican Republic.

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[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Media Luna Miches (Half-Moon)» subtitle=»Half – Day Pass and Snorkeling & Swimming at the Natural Pool»]


If you are here or are planning to come to the Dominican Republic you shouldn’t miss visiting this amazing place ‘’Half Moon’’ (Media Luna) with lunch included, this is a precious natural pool inside of the ocean decorated by its reefs, corals and white sand.

This is the place where we can enjoy swimming, watching and taking underwater pictures. Its allowed to take photos to or with the sea stars in their natural habitat.


  • Boat Transfer to Media Luna
  • Kapitan zagotavlja navodila in nadzor


Vključitve in izključitve



  1. Vsi davki, pristojbine in manipulativni stroški
  2. Lokalni davki
  3. pijače


  1. Napitnine
  2. Avto za prenos
  3. Kosilo
  4. Alkoholne pijače
  5. Lokalni vodnik


Odhod in povratek

Potnik bo dobil zbirališče po opravljenem postopku rezervacije. Ogledi se začnejo in končajo na naših zbirališčih.


Media Luna Miches (Half-Moon) Natural Pool Half – Day Pass and Snorkeling

Kaj pričakovati?


Save your tickets to come with us and visit Half Moon and enjoy a typical lunch in Miches community. This excursion departs Miches enabling the jetty to the west from where we get onboard of modern catamarans and speedboats, those which has the authorized transport licensed to operate in the tourist area. To get to the main pit you have to walk through a maze of water, surrounded by sandbars.

No one can escape after getting to know this water resource with tourist attraction in Miches, being this the only place in the area, where tourists and vacationers can enjoy and bump into the stars and fish of considerable size. It is a place where the water level depends on the horizon of the tides or sea currents, which when it is high becomes deeper and when it is low, the flow of the pool decreases. Being hidden and being its access by the sea, makes it a magical and virgin place, for those who visit it not wanting to leave. Here there are no trees to shelter from the sun, but the water is cold by cradling or rocking trade winds in the area. It can be summarized that it is a natural lagoon in the Atlantic Ocean, which owes its name to that observed from above resembles a crescent.

The locals also call it as Cayo de la Media Luna, formed by coral reefs and white sand, of crystalline water dotted everywhere to break natural waves, which calm its waters. When the tide is stable its depth does not exceed three feet, which makes children and adults enjoy this heavenly place of saltwater.


8:45 AM – 1:30 PM


Kaj morate prinesti?

  • fotoaparat
  • Odganjalni popki
  • sončna krema
  • Klobuk
  • Udobne hlače
  • Pohodniški čevlji za gozd
  • Sandali za na plažo
  • Kopalna oblačila
  • Gotovina za spominke


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Opomba: Če ste rezervirani v 24 urah po času odhoda potovanja/izleta, lahko organiziramo hotelski prevzem z doplačilom. Ko bo vaš nakup opravljen, vam bomo poslali popolne kontaktne podatke (telefonsko številko, e-poštni naslov itd.) za našega lokalnega turističnega vodnika, ki bo organiziral prevzem.

Potrditev dodatnih informacij

  1. Vstopnice so potrdilo po plačilu tega izleta. Plačilo lahko prikažete na telefonu.
  2. Zbirno mesto bo prejeto po opravljenem postopku rezervacije.
  3. Otroci morajo biti v spremstvu odrasle osebe.
  4. dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom
  5. Dojenčki morajo sedeti v naročju
  6. Večina popotnikov lahko sodeluje

Politika odpovedi

Za povračilo celotnega zneska prekličite vsaj 24 ur pred datumom začetka doživetja.

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Booking Adventures

Domačini in Državljani Turistični vodniki in storitve za goste

Rezervacije: Ogledi in izleti v Dom Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

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