Saona Island Tour from Punta Cana – Natural Pool Excursion

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $58.50.

A day pass to Saona island from Bayahibe port. Lunch and Natural swimming pools included. In case of need transfer from any part of the Dominican Republic. Just Contact us and let’s have the best experience at Saona Island.


Iltimos, sayohat sanasini tanlang 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» text_font_weight=»» title=»Saona Island Tour from Punta Cana – Natural Pool Excursion» subtitle=»From Punta Cana Hotels» text=»Note: This tour starts at 7: 00 am Depending where is the Pickup Hotels Time may Change. Extras cost for Pick up in Areas not listed in Our Description.»]

Umumiy koʻrinish

This excursion takes you to the beaches of Isla Saona from Punta Cana in a Bus to Bayahibe Community, lunch on the island and stops at the natural pools of Saona. Enjoying the beautiful coast of the southeast of the Dominican Republic, where after taking the boat «Catamaran» you will sail on the coast observing the different beaches, landscapes, mangroves and limestone formations.
To get to the island it takes around 45 minutes and during the tour you have the possibility to see Mano Juan, the only community established on the island, in this same place you have the possibility of lunch, in case you do not get to Mano Juan, you will visit unique beaches in the area and lunch will happen by the beach you will also have the chance to snorkel in at the island.
On your way back there is one last stop at natural pools another of the majestic places of Isla Saona you will enjoy one hour before returning to the community of Bayahibe.
  • Sohilda bufet tushlik o'z ichiga oladi
  • Bus Tour From Punta Cana
  • Natural pool
  • Boat or Catamaran Transfer
  • Kapitan ko'rsatmalar beradi va nazorat qiladi


Qo'shimchalar va istisnolar



  1. Boat or Catamaran trip
  2. Sohilda bufet tushlik
  3. Natural pool
  4. Barcha soliqlar, yig'imlar va ishlov berish to'lovlari
  5. Mahalliy soliqlar
  6. Ichimliklar


  1. Imkoniyatlar
  2. Avtotransport vositasi
  3. Mahalliy gid


Ketish va qaytish

Sayohatchi bronlash jarayonidan so'ng uchrashuv nuqtasini oladi. Turlar bizning uchrashuv nuqtalarimizda boshlanadi va tugadi.


Nimani kutish kerak?


Chiptalaringizni oling fora day pass in Saona island (Isla Saona) in Bayahibe starting from Punta Cana plus a wonderful lunch and beach time.

The Daypass, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Transportation and Lunch at the beach and you can stay as long as you want swimming around.

If you are Vegan we also can set some food for you!


7:00 AM – 7:00 PM… Time change depending on were in Punta Cana you are located.


Nimani olib kelish kerak?

  • kamera
  • Repelent kurtaklar
  • quyosh kremi
  • Shlyapa
  • Qulay shimlar
  • O'rmon uchun poyafzal
  • Plyajga sandal
  • Suzish kiyimi
  • Esdalik sovg'alari uchun naqd pul


Mehmonxonadan olib ketish

Traveler pickup is offered!

We do pick up from all the Hotels in Punta Cana. Pick up Location is Hotel Lobby
If you are staying at a condo in the area, we will be picking you up at the condo or at the entrance of the closest resort.. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.

Eslatma: Agar siz tur/ekskursiya jo'nab ketganidan keyin 24 soat ichida band bo'lsangiz, biz mehmonxonani qabul qilishni tashkil qilishimiz mumkin. Xaridingiz tugallangandan so'ng, biz sizni olib ketishni tashkil qilish uchun mahalliy sayyohlik qo'llanmamiz uchun to'liq aloqa ma'lumotlarini (telefon raqami, elektron pochta manzili va boshqalar) yuboramiz.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumotni tasdiqlash

  1. Chiptalar - bu turni to'lashdan keyin kvitansiya. To'lovni telefoningizda ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.
  2. Uchrashuv nuqtasi bronlash jarayonidan keyin olinadi.
  3. Bolalar kattalar bilan birga bo'lishi kerak.
  4. nogironlar aravachasiga kirish mumkin
  5. Chaqaloqlar tizzalariga o'tirishlari kerak
  6. Aksariyat sayohatchilar qatnashishi mumkin

Bekor qilish siyosati

Toʻlovni toʻliq qaytarish uchun tajriba boshlanishidan kamida 24 soat oldin bekor qiling.

Biz bilan bog'lanish?

Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish

Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar

Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.

Saona Island Tours & Excursions Video:

Biz bilan bog'lanish?

Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish

Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar

Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Biz Whatsapp orqali xususiy sayohatlarni sozlashimiz mumkin: +18097206035.
