Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.

Original price was: $82.00.Current price is: $75.00.

Para experimentar verdaderamente la rica historia y cultura de la República Dominicana, únase a nosotros en un recorrido de todo el día por Santo Domingo, la ciudad más antigua de América. Viajando en un autobús moderno, limpio y cómodo, será entretenido por un guía profesional que hará que este viaje sea a la vez animado e informativo.

Verá muchos sitios interesantes en el camino, incluido el río Chavón, que ha aparecido en películas, como Apocalypse Now y Rambo. Visitando el Parque Nacional Los Tres Ojos y la Zona Colonial completa luego de un Almuerzo Típico Buffet.


Seleccione la fecha para el City Tour: 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.» subtitle=»Transportation & Lunch Included»]


Spend a day in the colonial historical zone of the oldest city in Latin America.  Explore landmarks and highlights such as the Plaza de España, the National Palace, the Columbus lighthouse and the Colonial Zone.

Stop at the Tree Eyes National Park and see the underground caves and loagoons used by the Taino Indians.First you will be picked up from your hotel by bus.

The tour will start with meeting a professional guide that will give you some information regarding the island and the Dominican culture, food, music and much more. Lunch at a typical Dominican restaurant is included. This tour will definitely give you the real history of this island!

After this experience, you will get Back to Location where you meet with the Tour Guide


Оруулсан болон хассан зүйлс

Оруулсан зүйлс

  1. Lunch Buffet
  2. Columbus lighthouse
  3. Day Trip Santo Domingo
  4. Los Tres Ojos National Park
  5. The Colonial Zone Walk
  6. The National Palace
  7.  The Plaza de España
  8. Бүх татвар, хураамж, үйлчилгээний хураамж
  9. Орон нутгийн татвар
  10. Beverages
  11. Зууш
  12. Орон нутгийн хөтөч

Үл хамаарах зүйл

  1. Өргөдөл
  2. Согтууруулах ундаа


Явах & Буцах

Захиалгын үйл явцын дараа аялагч уулзах цэг авах болно. Аялал таны уулзалтын цэг дээр эхэлж, дуусна.

Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.

Юу хүлээх вэ?

Santo Domingo is a magical city, full of history, culture and amazing landscapes. Walk through the oldest capital of the “New” World; Santo Domingo is the first city founded in America.
In 1992 Santo Domingo, the oldest city in Americas, celebrated its 500th anniversary of its discovery by Christopher Columbus. Santo Domingo has  the first cathedral, university and town hall of the new world. The entire city center is crammed with colonial buildings from the 15th and 16th centuries.
On this tour you will not only visit the most important historical buildings but also some museums and a fascinating cave. «Los Tres Ojos» is the first stop where you will see a cave learn about Taino Indian life.

Та юу авчрах ёстой вэ?

  • камер
  • Зэвүүн нахиа
  • нарны тос
  • Малгай
  • Тав тухтай өмд
  • Hiking shoes 
  • Хаврын бүс рүү шаахайнууд.
  • Усанд сэлэх хувцас


Зочид буудлаас авах

Traveler pickup is offered!

We do pick up from all the Hotels in Punta Cana. Pick up Location is Hotel Lobby
If you are staying at a condo in the area, we will be picking you up at the condo or at the entrance of the closest resort.. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.

Жич: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

Нэмэлт мэдээллийн баталгаажуулалт

  1. Тасалбар нь энэ аялалыг төлсний дараа баримт юм. Та утсан дээрээ төлбөрөө харуулах боломжтой.
  2. Уулзалтын цэгийг захиалгын дараа хүлээн авна.
  3. Хүүхдүүд насанд хүрсэн хүнтэй хамт байх ёстой.
  4. Тэргэнцэр ашиглах боломжгүй
  5. Нярай хүүхэд өвөр дээрээ суух ёстой
  6. Нурууны өвчтэй аялагчдад зөвлөдөггүй
  7. Жирэмсэн зорчигчдод хэрэглэхийг зөвлөдөггүй
  8. Зүрхний асуудал болон бусад ноцтой эмгэг байхгүй
  9. Ихэнх аялагчид оролцох боломжтой

Цуцлах бодлого

For a full refund, please read our Cancellations policies Click here. Funds will be lost if the reservation is cancelled the same day of the trip.

Santo Domingo video:
