Saona Island Private Trip
Getting to the island takes about 45 minutes and during the tour you´ll have the possibility of seeing Mano Juan, which is the only community established on the island, in this same place you have the possibility of having lunch, in case you do not get to Mano Juan, You will be visiting different beaches in the area and lunch will be on the beach, you will also have the opportunity to snorkel on the island.
When finish your trip in the different locations in the island, you´ll head back to the location where you meet with the Tour Guide.
- Includes buffet lunch on the beach.
- Natural pool
- Transfer by boat or catamaran
- The Captain provides instruction and supervision
Innifalið og útilokanir
- Speed Boat or Catamaran trip ( All Depend in the Group size)
- Hádegisverðarhlaðborð á ströndinni
- Natural pool
- Allir skattar, gjöld og afgreiðslugjöld
- Útsvar
- Drykkir
- Þjórfé
- Local Guide
Brottför og heimferð
We have a schedule designed to pick you up and drop you off based on the area you are located in. Ferðamaðurinn mun fá fundarstað eftir pöntunarferlið. Ferðir hefjast og lýkur á samkomustöðum okkar.
Hvað á að búast við?
Tryggðu þér miða fora day pass in Saona island ( Isla Saona ) in Bayahibe plus a wonderful lunch and beach time.
The Day Trip, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Hádegisverður á ströndinni og þú getur verið eins lengi og þú vilt synda um. Ef þú ert vegan getum við líka útbúið mat fyrir þig.
This Boat trip start in Bayahibe but we offer Private Transfer for additional cost depend where is the Group.
7:45 AM – 6:00 PM
Hvað á maður að hafa með sér?
- myndavél
- Fráhrindandi buds
- sólarvörn
- Hattur
- Þægilegar buxur
- Gönguskór fyrir skóginn
- Sandalar á ströndina
- Sundfatnaður
- Reiðufé fyrir minjagripi
Hotel Pickup for Saona Island day trip
This is the program we have set based on your locations. Please let us know your specific hotel and we will contact you to tell you where we will meet you. This Transfer options apply a extra cost. This trip start in Bayahibe.
Place | Time |
Punta Cana | 7:45 am |
Bávaro | 7:30 am |
Uvero Altos | 7:00 am |
Club Med | 7:00 am |
Boca Chica | 7:00 am |
Santo Domingo | 6:40 am |
Juan Dolió | 7:00 am |
Athugið: if you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up with extra cost. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Staðfesting á viðbótarupplýsingum
- Miðar eru kvittunin eftir að hafa greitt þessa ferð. Þú getur sýnt greiðsluna í símanum þínum.
- Fundarstaður mun berast eftir bókunarferlið.
- Börn verða að vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.
- hjólastólaaðgengilegt
- Ungbörn verða að sitja í kjöltu
- Flestir ferðamenn geta tekið þátt
Til að fá fulla endurgreiðslu, vinsamlegast lestu afbókunarreglur okkar Ýttu hér. Fjármagn tapast ef pöntun er afbókuð sama dag ferðarinnar.
NOTE: If you would like to do this excursion and would like to know some more details you can contact us by email or through our direct service chat Whatsapp at this number: +1 809-720-6035. We will attend you immediately and we can make you an offer adjusting the price depending on the number of people.
(We require a minimum of 4 people to arrange the tour privately. For less people we can arrange a semi-private tour with maximum 15 people).
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