(Plaža Ermitano) Izlet brodom Playa Ermitaño i Playa Onda, poludnevni izlet, Samaná – Dominikanska Republika.

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $98.00.

El viaje comienza recogiéndolo en su hotel o en el aeropuerto en el área de Samaná de Las Galeras. Comience su experiencia en Playa El Valle, una hermosa y única playa cerca de Samaná. Disfrute de un viaje en bote de 25 minutos a Playa Ermitaño, que es una playa aún inexplorada y aislada con agua azul turquesa. Disfruta del agua de coco fresca. Descubra la belleza real e intacta de la República Dominicana y sumérjase en la naturaleza mientras explora la cueva secreta cercana. Quédese en Playa Ermitaño todo el tiempo que desee y visite Playa Onda, otra hermosa playa salvaje, a solo 15 minutos en bote. Regrese a Playa El Valle y luego proceda a Samaná, verá casas locales y aprenderá sobre la vida real dominicana. Esta es una experiencia de medio día de la verdadera Samaná en la República Dominicana.


Seleccione la fecha para el Tour: 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná – Dominican Republic.» subtitle=»Lunch, Boat Ride and Private Transportation From Hotels.»]

(Ermitano Beach) Playa Ermitaño boat tour and Playa Onda private Trip.


The trip starts picking you up in your hotel or at the airport in Samana area or Las Galeras. Start your experience at Playa El Valle, a beautiful and unique beach near to Samaná. Enjoy a 25 min boat ride to Playa Ermitaño, which is a still unexplored and isolated beach with turquoise blue water. Relish fresh coconut water. Discover the real and untouched beauty of the Dominican Republic and emmerse yourself into nature, as you explore the secret cave nearby. Stay at Playa Ermitaño as long as you want, and visit Playa Onda, another beautiful wild beach, only a 15 min boat ride away. Return to Playa El Valle and then proceed to Samaná, will see local houses and learn about the Dominican real life.


  • Local Guide with Safety experience in the area.
  • Private transportation
  • Naknade uključene
  • Lunch at the Beach
  • Local Tour Guide in Spanish, English or French.
  • Planinarenje

Uključivanja i isključenja



  1. Local Guide with Safety experiencie in the area.
  2. Private transportation for small groups
  3. Plaža El Rincon
  4. Dominican House Ranch
  5. Cano Frio River
  6. Svi porezi, naknade i manipulativni troškovi
  7. Lokalni porezi
  8. Lunch at the Beach
  9. Planinarenje
  10. Sve aktivnosti


  1. Napojnice
  2. All Drinks

Polazak & Povratak

Putnik će dobiti mjesto sastanka nakon procesa rezervacije. Ture počinju i završavaju na vašim sastajalištima.

(Ermitano Beach) Playa Ermitaño boat tour and Playa Onda private Trip.

Što očekivati?

After departing Samana hotels area and driving across Dominican streets, you will see and learn about local’s life style.This beach is located between Playa  Honda and Playa El Valle In Samana’s Peninsula. It has a length of 400 meters and is surrounded by reefs.  The only way  to access this beach is hiking, through a dense jungle-like trail path or with a boat.

La historia de su nombre es tan fascinante e interesante… Juan El Ermitaño aparentemente era un pirata francés que, arrepentido, desembarcó un día en esta playa de Samaná. Cuenta la historia que había estado solo y aislado del mundo durante el año 1780. La leyenda dice que después de 22 años de exilio, fue descubierto por sorpresa por sus antiguos compañeros corsarios que lo creyeron muerto. Pero los españoles, asombrados por su austeridad y constancia, le concedieron el perdón, considerándolo casi un santo. Pero como toda historia de piratas que se precie, Juan El Ermitaño guardaba un gran secreto: guardaba un precioso botín de su época de pirata que se escondía en esta playa.

When arriving there you will see in front of you a postcard perfect landscape. You will have the impression of being unique in the world in this magical place of its lush and tropical vegetation and by the beauty of its crystal clear waters.  This beach makes a wow-experience come true.

The Turkish and Swedish version of Survivor tv series were shot on this beach

This tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with our Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and have lunch at the beach and enjoy the one of the most amazing beaches in Samana, Dominican Republic.

Što trebate ponijeti?

  • fotoaparat
  • Repelentni pupoljci
  • krema za sunčanje
  • WC
  • Šešir
  • Udobne hlače
  • Planinarske cipele za šumu
  • Sandale za proljetna područja.
  • Odjeća za kupanje


Preuzimanje iz hotela

Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour.


Bilješka: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. We just pick up in Samana area. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

Potvrda dodatnih informacija

  1. Ulaznice su račun nakon plaćanja ovog putovanja. Uplatu možete prikazati na svom telefonu.
  2. Mjesto sastanka bit će primljeno nakon procesa rezervacije.
  3. Djeca moraju biti u pratnji odrasle osobe.
  4. Nije pristupačno za invalidska kolica
  5. Dojenčad moraju sjediti u krilu
  6. Ne preporučuje se putnicima koji imaju problema s leđima
  7. Ne preporučuje se trudnicama koje putuju
  8. Nema problema sa srcem ili drugih ozbiljnih zdravstvenih stanja
  9. Većina putnika može sudjelovati

Politika otkazivanja

Za potpuni povrat pročitajte naša pravila otkazivanja Kliknite ovdje. Sredstva će biti izgubljena ako se rezervacija otkaže isti dan putovanja.

Kontaktirajte nas?

Booking Adventures

Mještani i Državljani Turistički vodiči i usluge za goste

Rezervacije: Ture i izleti u Domu Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Mi smo fleksibilni i postavljamo privatne obilaske putem Whatsappa: +18097206035.
