Día 1
We visit the East side of Dominican Republic, Los Haitises National Park Rainforest, our adventure starts After having check- in at the Ecolodge. First with a 2 to 3 Hours Hike. There you can enjoy the landscape, learn about Dominican Republic life in the country side and live nature. Along the way you will learn of the bio diverse ecosystem of the rainforest, touch Cacaos trees, unique flora and historical areas.
Further up after we finish the hike, there is a Dominican style Dinner and Bonfires at the light of the stars.
Day 2
Next day Dominican Style Breakfast. After Breakfast we hike minutes to the Mangroves port. Then we take the equipment required for your safety (Lifejackets, etc), kayaks and going through mangrove swamps. You will see some bird-filled mangroves, rolling hills of lush vegetation.
Through the mangroves and Land at the open San Lorenzo Bay, from where you can photograph the rugged forest landscape. Start checking some Endemics Birds, Mammals and Plants species, rolling hills of lush vegetation and caves of Parque Nacional Los Haitises.
O nome do parque nacional provén dos seus habitantes orixinais, os indios taínos. Na súa lingua, "Haitises" tradúcese en terras altas ou outeiros, unha referencia ás formacións xeolóxicas escarpadas da costa con pedras calizas. Adéntrate máis no parque para explorar covas como a Cueva de la Arena.
Finishing Day
After getting back to the Ecolodge there is free time to enjoy natural water pool swim in the first mineral waterfalls areas of Los Haitises National Park. Having Dominican Style Lunch and Check- out from Hotel 1: 00 PM.
This is an adventure good for those looking to enjoy nature and an unique rainforest experience. Focused on providing a true local view of Dominican Republic in Los Haitises National Park, with history facts and information about the ecosystem along the trip. Transportation is not included.
Meeting Point
We meet in Sabana de la mar, from here you will follow the guide in your own vehicle to our hidden gem!. Be ready for a real adventure hike, bonfires, kayaking & waterfalls and the unique Ecolodge in Dominican Republic.
If you are a group or are interested in a date you don’t see available, feel free to contact us directly and I will help you out. As you see in the reviews, Booking Adventures is very a passionate about our job and We love to show the real life in the island to our guests. On each tour we plant one Mangrove tree as a donation To the Nature.
Inclusións e exclusións
- Parque Nacional Los Haitises
- Bonfire at Night
- 4 Hours Hiking Rain Forest
- 1 Room at the Ecolodge
- 1 Dinner per Person
- 1 Breakfast per Person
- 1 Lunch per Person
- 3 Hours Kayaking ( Or Boat Trip)
- Bird watching
- Mangroves plantation
- 1 Cave Visit
- Todos os impostos, taxas e gastos de xestión
- Impostos locais
- Guía local
- Gratuítos
- Transferencia
- Bebidas alcohólicas
Saída e volta
O viaxeiro terá un punto de encontro despois do proceso de reserva. Os percorridos comezan e rematan nos nosos puntos de encontro.
3:00 PM Day One
1: 00 PM Day Two.
Que debes traer?
- cámara
- Brotes repelentes
- crema solar
- Sombreiro
- Pantalóns cómodos
- Zapatos de sendeirismo para bosque
- Sandalias para as zonas de Primavera.
- Roupa de baño
Hotel pick-up is not included for this tour.
Nota: If you are booking within 72 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up with extra Charges from any place of The Dominican Republic. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Confirmación de información adicional
- As entradas son o recibo despois de pagar este Tour. Podes mostrar o pago no teu teléfono.
- O punto de encontro recibirase despois do proceso de reserva.
- Os nenos deben ir acompañados dun adulto.
- Non accesible en cadeira de rodas
- Os bebés deben sentarse no colo
- Non recomendado para viaxeiros con problemas de costas
- Non recomendado para viaxeiras embarazadas
- Sen problemas cardíacos ou outras condicións médicas graves
- Poden participar a maioría dos viaxeiros
Política de cancelación
Para obter un reembolso completo, lea as nosas políticas de cancelación Pulse AQUÍ. Os fondos perderanse se a reserva se cancela o mesmo día da viaxe.
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