Ikuspegi orokorra
Enjoy a day at the beach and let your spirits flow, far away from the touristy areas and all the stress. Come and discover the Jaragua National park and Bahia de las Águilas. Drive along a beautiful road with breathtaking views of the small port and fishing village Cabo Rojo. In Las Cuevas you board a boat that takes you on a 15-minute ride to one of the most beautiful natural beaches of the world. The sands of Bahía de las Aguilas is pristine and the bay covers 8 km. Experience an exceptional coastal landscape with crystal clear water shining in shades reaching from turquoise to opal-blue melting into the horizon. Lunch is served at the beach, go swimming or snorkeling and explore this untouched natural paradise.
- Inguruko Segurtasun esperientzia duen Local Guide.
- Garraio pribatua
- Tasak barne
- Bazkaria
- Local Tour Guide in Spanish, English or French.
- Mendi ibilaldiak
- Snorkeling
Inklusioak eta bazterketak
- Local Guide with Safety experiencie in the area.
- Garraio pribatua talde txikientzat
- Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
- Tokiko zergak
- Bazkaria
- Mendi ibilaldiak
- Igerileku Naturalak
- Snorkeling
- Jarduera guztiak
- Doanak
- Edari guztiak
Irteera eta Itzulera
Bidaiariak bilgune bat lortuko du Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren. Bisitak zure topaguneetan hasi eta amaitzen dira.
Bahía de las Aguilas: Beach Day Trip by Boat -Day Pass – Snorkeling & Lunch
Zer espero?
Playa de las Aguilas was named after the indigenous eagle. It is famously known as the most beautiful beach of the entire country. The park climate is very arid and the vegetation mainly composed of cacti and other desert plants. The red dirt road that runs along the bay is comparable to an African savanna landscape.
Discover this paradise for fishermen and lovers of white sand beaches and crystal-clear water. But first, travel to the village La Cueva, where local fishermen live inside caves.
Is there anything missing from this picture perfect moment?
The calm sea and light wind will keep you from suffering too much from the sun and heat. Become an explorer for the day and discover an ecological, natural, and totally unspoiled paradise. You can observe more than 130 species of birds, 76 of which live permanently in the bay, 10 are endemic and 47 are migrants.
08.00 – Departure from your hotel
09.30 – Short stop at the Laguna de Oviedo to enjoy the view from the viewing platform
11.00 – Departure by boat from the village La Cueva to the Bahia de las Aguilas
12.30 – Typical lunch on the beach
03.00 – Return to La Cueva
06.00 – Arrival at your hotel
Zer ekarri behar duzu?
- kamera
- Kimuak uxatzeko
- eguzkitako krema
- Komuna
- Txapela
- Praka erosoak
- Basorako mendiko oinetakoak
- Sandaliak Udaberriko guneetara.
- Igeriketa arropa
Hoteleko bilketa
Ibilbide honetarako hotelean jasotzea eskaintzen da. Bilketa/Garraioa zure hoteletik (Barahona/Paraiso/Los Patos eremua).
Ohar: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. We just pick up in Samana area. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Informazio gehigarria berrespena
- Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
- Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
- Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
- Ez dago gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
- Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
- Ez da gomendagarria bizkarreko arazoak dituzten bidaiarientzat
- Ez da gomendagarria haurdun dauden bidaiarientzat
- Ez dago bihotzeko arazorik edo beste baldintza mediko larririk
- Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete
Baliogabetze politika
Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, bertan behera utzi esperientziaren hasiera data baino 24 ordu lehenago gutxienez. Funtsak galduko dira erreserba bidaiaren egun berean bertan behera uzten bada.