27 Damajaguako Ur-jauziak Tour Puerto Platatik. Egun erdiko bidaia.
Ikuspegi orokorra
Eskuratu zure Sarrerak egun erdiko txango baterako hemen Damajaguako 27 Ur-jauzian. Sarrerako sarrerak bazkaria eta txangoarekin Dominikar Errepublikako ur-jauzi ederrenetan jauzi eta igeri egiteko barne daude. Senderismoa eta igeriketa segurtasun ekipamenduarekin inoizko esperientzia onena izateko!!
Esperientzia honen ondoren, Gidariarekin elkartzen zaren tokira itzuliko zara.
- Tasak barne
- Bazkaria
- Pintxoak
- Tokiko Tour Guide ingelesez
Inklusioak eta bazterketak
- 27 Waterfalls of Damajagua (nowdays there are just 12 and 7 cascades Trips)
- Buffet including beverages and tropical drinks
- Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
- Tokiko zergak
- Jarduera guztiak
- Tokiko gida
- Cigar factory visit
- Doanak
Irteera eta Itzulera
We have a schedule designed to pick you up and drop you off based on the area you are located in. Please see the detailed information below in the hotel pickup section.
This is the program we have set based on your locations. Please let us know your specific hotel and we will contact you to tell you where we will meet you.
Place | Time |
Cabarete | 7:45 am |
Sosua | 8:10 am |
Playa Dorada | 8:50 am |
Costa Dorada | 9:00 am |
Cofresi (Lifestyle) | 9:20 am |
Senator | 9:30 am |
27 Damajaguako Ur-jauziak Tour Puerto Platatik.
Zer espero?
Discover the secluded Damajagua Waterfalls, tucked in the hills of the Dominican Republic’s Northern Corridor, on this full-day trip from Puerto Plata. Explore the twenty-seven pristine falls, cascading over limestone, with your local guide. Get a short safety briefing, then jump, swim and slide down natural waterslides.
Lunch and beverages are included. A moderate 40-minute uphill hike through a beautiful jungle landscape gets you to the 12th waterfall or, if you are in excellent physical shape, choose to hike all the way to the top of the 27 waterfalls (approximately 70 minutes) and experience it all.
Either way, your real fun begins as we head back down-river and you jump, slide and swim your way through a series of spectacular waterfalls, canyons, and azure pools, emerging with a silly grin on your face and incredible memories to cherish! The tours include jumps of up to 25 feet (8 meters) but don’t worry, if you are uncomfortable with jumping there is an alternative way down.
After a 15-minute walk back to base camp and changing into your dry clothes enjoy a delicious and varied Dominican buffet lunch, which includes barbecued chicken and pork, stews, rice, pasta, and salads.
Local rum drinks, sodas, and water are also included (beer is available but not included). After the meal, you will say goodbye to the local guides but the memories of this experience will last a lifetime. And this is not all, you will then go to a cigar factory where you will see how they prepare them and also be able to get some if you are interested. Remember the Dominican Republic is one of the best countries making cigars, so this is your chance to learn from the best teachers ever.
Zer ekarri behar duzu?
- kamera
- Kimuak uxatzeko
- eguzkitako krema
- Txapela
- Praka erosoak
- Basorako mendiko oinetakoak
- Sandaliak Udaberriko guneetara.
- Igeriketa arropa
Hoteleko bilketa
Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.
Ohar: Txangoaren irteera-ordutik 24 orduko epean erreserbatzen baduzu, hoteleko bilketa antolatu dezakegu. Erosketa amaitutakoan, harremanetarako informazio osoa bidaliko dizugu (telefono zenbakia, helbide elektronikoa, etab.) gure tokiko Tour gidari bilketa-antolaketak antola ditzan.
Informazio gehigarria berrespena
- Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
- Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
- Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
- Ez dago gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
- Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
- Ez da gomendagarria bizkarreko arazoak dituzten bidaiarientzat
- Ez da gomendagarria haurdun dauden bidaiarientzat
- Ez dago bihotzeko arazorik edo beste baldintza mediko larririk
- Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete
Baliogabetze politika
Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, bertan behera utzi esperientziaren hasiera data baino 24 ordu lehenago gutxienez. Funtsak galduko dira erreserba bidaiaren egun berean bertan behera uzten bada.
Jarri gurekin harremanetan?
Erreserba Abenturak
Bertakoak eta Nazionalak Bisita-gidak eta gonbidatuentzako zerbitzuak
Erreserbak: Bisitak eta txangoak Dom. Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Whatsapp bidez bisita pribatuak ezartzen malguak gara: +18097206035.