(Ermitano rand) Playa Ermitaño paadireis ja Playa Onda, poolepäevane reis, Samaná – Dominikaani Vabariik.

Algne hind oli: $120.00.Current price is: $98.00.

The trip starts picking you up in your hotel or at the airport in the Samana area of Las Galeras. Start your experience at Playa El Valle, a beautiful and unique beach near Samaná. Enjoy a 25 min boat ride to Playa Ermitaño, which is a still unexplored and isolated beach with turquoise blue water. Relish fresh coconut water. Discover the real and untouched beauty of the Dominican Republic and immerse yourself into nature, as you explore the secret cave nearby. Stay at Playa Ermitaño as long as you want, and visit Playa Onda, another beautiful wild beach, only a 15 min boat ride away. Return to Playa El Valle and then proceed to Samaná, will see local houses and learn about the Dominican real life. This is a half-day experience of the real Samana in the Dominican Republic.


Palun valige ringkäigu kuupäev: 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná – Dominican Republic.» subtitle=»Lunch, Boat Ride and Private Transportation From Hotels.»]

(Ermitano Beach) Playa Ermitaño boat tour and Playa Onda private Trip.


The trip starts picking you up in your hotel or at the airport in Samana area or Las Galeras. Start your experience at Playa El Valle, a beautiful and unique beach near to Samaná. Enjoy a 25 min boat ride to Playa Ermitaño, which is a still unexplored and isolated beach with turquoise blue water. Relish fresh coconut water. Discover the real and untouched beauty of the Dominican Republic and emmerse yourself into nature, as you explore the secret cave nearby. Stay at Playa Ermitaño as long as you want, and visit Playa Onda, another beautiful wild beach, only a 15 min boat ride away. Return to Playa El Valle and then proceed to Samaná, will see local houses and learn about the Dominican real life.


  • Local Guide with Safety experience in the area.
  • Private transportation
  • Tasud hinna sees
  • Lõunasöök Rannas
  • Local Tour Guide in Spanish, English or French.
  • Matkamine

Kaasamised ja välistused



  1. Piirkonna ohutuskogemusega kohalik giid.
  2. Väikeste gruppide privaattransport
  3. El Rinconi rand
  4. Dominican House Ranch
  5. Cano Frio River
  6. Kõik maksud, tasud ja käitlustasud
  7. Kohalikud maksud
  8. Lõunasöök Rannas
  9. Matkamine
  10. Kõik tegevused


  1. Jootraha
  2. All Drinks

Väljumine ja tagasitulek

Reisija saab pärast broneerimisprotsessi kohtumispunkti. Ekskursioonid algavad ja lõpevad teie kohtumispunktides.

(Ermitano Beach) Playa Ermitaño boat tour and Playa Onda private Trip.

Mida oodata?

After departing Samana hotels area and driving across Dominican streets, you will see and learn about local’s life style.This beach is located between Playa  Honda and Playa El Valle In Samana’s Peninsula. It has a length of 400 meters and is surrounded by reefs.  The only way  to access this beach is hiking, through a dense jungle-like trail path or with a boat.

The story of his name is so fascinating and interesting… Juan El Ermitaño apparently was a French pirate who, repentant, landed one day on this playa in Samana. The story goes he had been alone and isolated from the world during the year 1780. The legend says that after 22 years of exile, he was discovered by surprise by his former fellow corsairs who believed him dead. But the Spaniards, who were astonished by his austerity and constancy, granted him pardon, considering him almost a saint. But as with any history of pirates that boasts, Juan El Ermitaño kept a great secret: he kept a precious booty of his time as a pirate who hid on this beach.

When arriving there you will see in front of you a postcard perfect landscape. You will have the impression of being unique in the world in this magical place of its lush and tropical vegetation and by the beauty of its crystal clear waters.  This beach makes a wow-experience come true.

The Turkish and Swedish version of Survivor tv series were shot on this beach

This tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with our Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and have lunch at the beach and enjoy the one of the most amazing beaches in Samana, Dominican Republic.

Mida peaksite kaasa võtma?

  • kaamera
  • Tõrjuvad pungad
  • päikesekreem
  • WC
  • Müts
  • Mugavad püksid
  • Matkajalatsid metsa
  • Sandaalid kevadpiirkondadesse.
  • Ujumisriided


Hotelli järeletulemine

Sellel ekskursioonil pakutakse hotelli vastuvõttu.


Märge: Kui olete broneeritud 24 tunni jooksul pärast ekskursiooni/ekskursiooni väljumisaega, saame korraldada hotelli pealetulemise. Tuleme just järele Samana piirkonnas. Kui teie ost on lõpule viidud, saadame teile meie kohaliku giidi täieliku kontaktteabe (telefoninumber, e-posti aadress jne), et korraldada kohaletoomise korraldamine.

Lisateabe kinnitus

  1. Piletid on kviitung pärast selle ekskursiooni tasumist. Saate näidata makset oma telefonis.
  2. Kohtumispunkt võetakse vastu pärast broneerimisprotsessi.
  3. Lastega peab kaasas olema täiskasvanu.
  4. Pole ratastooliga ligipääsetav
  5. Imikud peavad istuma süles
  6. Ei soovitata seljaprobleemidega reisijatele
  7. Ei soovitata rasedatele reisijatele
  8. Puuduvad südameprobleemid ega muud tõsised haigusseisundid
  9. Enamik reisijaid saab osaleda


Täieliku raha tagasi saamiseks tühistage vähemalt 24 tundi enne elamuse alguskuupäeva. Vahendid lähevad kaotsi, kui broneering tühistatakse samal reisipäeval.

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Kohalikud ja Rahvuslased Giidid ja külalisteteenused

Broneeringud: Reisid ja ekskursioonid Dom Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Me korraldame paindlikult Whatsapi privaatreise: +18097206035.
