Excursion Whale Watching Samana bay + Cayo Levantado from Puerto Plata (Private Transportation)
Starting from Puerto Plata, Sosua or Cabarete. We pick you up at your place and drive to Samaná Bay. This Trip starts at Samaná port at 9:00 Am and Finishes at 5:00 Pm but we can be flexible with the time to bring you back to your place.
After aborting our Catamaran or Boat to visit the Whales in their own habitat. From 9:00 Am until 12:00-noon Whale observatory and After this Whale watching trip we will visit Bacardi Island / Cayo Levantado. In Bacardi Island, Lunch Buffet from typical Dominican Style will be provided. When lunch is finished you are allowed to swim until 4:30 pm. Tour will be finished at the same port from where will start at 5:00 pm.
Note: This tour is Not Private. Just Private transportation from Puerto Plata. For Private boat tour please contact us.
- Putovanje za promatranje kitova
- Pick up from Puerto Plata areas.
- Ulaznice za opservatoriju
- Includes Buffet lunch on the beach
- Prijevoz brodom
- Kapetan daje instrukcije i nadzor
- Tour Guide
Uključivanja i isključenja
- Buffet lunch on the beach
- Transfer Car
- Tour Guide at the Whale Watching trip
- Izlet katamaranom ili brodom
- Svi porezi, naknade i manipulativni troškovi
- Lokalne takse
- Beverages
- Napojnice
- Alcoholic Drinks
Odlazak i povratak
The traveler will get a meeting point time after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished in our meeting points.
Šta očekivati?
Uzmite svoje karte for a day Whale Watching tour in Samana bay starting from Sosua, Cabarete or any area in Puerto Plata. avoid transportation with big groups and enjoy a wonderful lunch and beach time.
The Daypass for whale watching from Puerto Plata is organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the by whatsapp or mail. Lunch at the beach and you can stay as long as you want swimming around. If you are Vegan we also can set some food for you.
5:45 AM – 4:00 PM time may change according to your needs.
Šta treba da ponesete?
- kamera
- Repelentni pupoljci
- krema za sunčanje
- Šešir
- Udobne pantalone
- Sandale za plažu
- Odjeća za kupanje
- Gotovina za suvenire
Hotel Pickup
Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour.
Bilješka: if you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we will make arrangements for hotel pick-up. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Potvrda dodatnih informacija
- Ulaznice su račun nakon plaćanja ove turneje. Uplatu možete prikazati na svom telefonu.
- Mjesto sastanka će biti primljeno nakon procesa rezervacije.
- Djeca moraju biti u pratnji odrasle osobe.
- Pristup invalidskim kolicima
- Bebe moraju sjediti u krilu
- Većina putnika može učestvovati
Politika otkazivanja
Za puni povrat novca, otkažite najmanje 24 sata prije datuma početka iskustva.
Kontaktiraj nas?
Lokalno stanovništvo i Državljani Turistički vodiči i usluge za goste
Reservas: Tours y Excursiones en Dom. Reps.
Tel/Whatsapp + 1-809-720-6035 .
Somos tours privados de configuración flexible por Whatsapp: +18097206035.
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